2006 Presenter


ASL Immersion Weekend 2006
April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd

Keith, named as Keith Jr. or KJ, is a native Californian and well traveled through the states. He has lived in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Illinois, Texas, New York, and Maryland. He is Deaf of Deaf parents and with a large number of deaf relatives spanning three generations. Graduated from California School for the Deaf in Riverside, he received his bachelors degree in history from Brigham Young University and a masters degree in teaching from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Keith holds a professional ASLTA certification and he has taught in all levels of ASL instruction/specialty courses for nine years. He has given numerous workshops and presentations. His areas of interest comes in the following: ASL etymology, creative signing, ASL literature, and syntactic mapping. He is currently an ASL program coordinator at Brigham Young University and working with an interpreting program at Salt Lake Community College in Salt Lake City. He is married with three children and a schnauzer.